Janssen’s Market is your source for beautiful floral arrangements from the simplest bouquet to lavish displays for your special occasions.

Looking for something a little different to “wow” a friend or relative? Check-out our custom gift baskets — choose from a wide variety of fresh fruits or select items from our extensive gourmet offerings.

Janssen’s florists can make beautiful arrangements and centerpieces or an elegant bouquet. We will work with you and your budget to incorporate your favorite flowers or give your bouquet a seasonal flair. For something extra special, select from an extensive selection of exotic orchids that make a dramatic addition to any room!

Employee Spotlight

Stephanie has grown the floral department into a full-service florist! While everyone enjoys the lovely outdoor displays that pop with color as you walk in, she may be working on creating the perfect bouquet for a bride. She and her team do it all!

Stephanie, Floral Manager for 11 years

Did You Know?

Stephanie and her team buy mostly from local nurseries so the plants are acclimated to the local climate and will do better in your yard and house!
Stephanie and Brittany at Janssens’ are awesome to work with! They seemed to be able to read my daughter’s mind with their flower suggestions. Not only that, they were flexible and accommodating to last minute changes. Couldn’t be happier with the result!


The event was held on a patio under a tent on a local museum property. It was a beautiful evening and the flowers looked amazing. Stephanie always created beautiful arrangements and these were no exception. The colors and size were just perfect. Stephanie is so great to work with!

Ellen L.