Janssen’s Market is your source for beautiful floral arrangements from the simplest bouquet to lavish displays for your special occasions.

Looking for something a little different to “wow” a friend or relative? Check-out our custom gift baskets — choose from a wide variety of fresh fruits or select items from our extensive gourmet offerings.

Planning on visiting an old friend? Or, maybe you’d like to congratulate someone on a job well done. We’ve got the perfect gift! At Janssen’s, we offer delectable fruit baskets made up of fresh and exotic fare, or a mouth-watering selection of gourmet delights.

Our staff will help you design the perfect gift that fits your budget or come in to pick-up a pre-made basket that’s sure to please. All are hand-made on-site.

Did You Know?

Honey is believed to be the only food that does not spoil. Honey found in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs has been tasted by archaeologists and found to still be edible.
Whenever I visit my brother in Greenville this is where I shop. Their produce is always top-notch. They have a great selection of cheese’s and the staff that can help you choose not to the best cheese but what wine you should consider. Christmas is coming up so I will be shopping here soon.

M. Garcia

They have the best produce around, I even heard one of their lettuce sellers sometimes delivers the same day they pick.

Michala McClain

The prepared food selection is incredible – always inspiring. The cheese selection is top notch.

Carroll Ivy Laurence